Make a Nativity Scene Ornament From Milkweed Pods

Collect some milkweed pods. Dry the pods first if they’re damp or wet. You can do this by tying a string around the stem the pod is attached to and attaching the other end to a clothes hanger and then hanging them in an attic or closet – somewhere where they will get plenty of air circulation.

When the pod is nice and dry, separate it into its two halves and paint them gold. It’s easiest if you use spray paint but you can also use those little jars of craft paint you can find at Michael’s or JoAnn’s or some other craft store. And, the gold is not mandatory but it looks nice on your tree.

While you’re there, get some little plastic nativity figures – or other small items such as toy cars or animals or whatever strikes your fancy. The main thing is that whatever you get needs to fit into the milkweed pod half and be light weight.

The next step is to line the pod halves with a little piece of fabric. Red velvet works best with the nativity figures but it’s really your choice. Cut the fabric to the shape of the pod and glue it in place. Once that’s dry you can glue in the little plastic figure, remembering that the pod will be hanging with its small end up.

Finally, use an awl or a really small drill bit to make a hole in the small end of the pod to accommodate either a yarn or fabric hanger.

We’ve had ours for years and still get comments on them.

Written by Dianne Weller